Thursday, August 7, 2014

Smore Brownies

One won't think that 3 hard ciders would give a person a hangover... But guess what I was wrong! I have discovered that hard cider is a  favorable companion when baking brownies. I might have a brownie obsession, since this is the second brownie recipe in a row that I have tried.  Behold the Smore Brownies, Taste of Home, fast fixes with mixes, a ooey, gooey mess of pure confectionery goodness.

This was yet another Taste of Home adventure, seeing that I have discovered I have a fascination with Taste of Home cookbooks, God help me! This means that my coworkers are going to be to a lot of brownies.  This batch successfully made it to the work place, unlike the last batch of brownies, that was pillaged from the inside.

Testing on my co-workers proved that this recipe was a success, seeing that they ate it and no one died and people came back for more.  The consumption of hard cider did not hamper the ease to which this recipe was deployed.  The only thing the hard cider hampered was my spring in my step in the morning.

Someday I will make something other than brownies, and it will most likely include ramen. Or maybe I will find a recipe that is brownies and ramen combined. Perhaps I should be careful what I wish for, or maybe my coworkers should be careful on what I wish for.  Mwaahaha!

Brownines and milk

Hello new friends, I awoke a few days ago with a raging sweet tooth.  So I got out my trusty Taste of Home Cookies cookbook, and after flipping through the pages as well as rummaging through the pantry I decided on the chippy blond brownies. I admit that since I was baking this delightful confection that I choose a glass of milk as my companion. A first for me is I followed the recipe to completion, with one exception I needed to substitute walnuts for pecans. The overall outcome was a success if a bit dry. How you my readers choose to see this is up to you, after I returned from work that evening someone in my household got the munchies. Persons unknown ate the entire middle out of the brownies and left not but the edge pieces! You know nobody steals my ramen!